MSVC Military Rifle and Pistol Shoot

July 18th – The MSVC member military gun shoot and  picnic will be held at the Vienna Fish & Game Club, 1508 Youngstown Kingsville Rd (Rte 193), Vienna, OH 44473. After a safety briefing, members will be guided at the range to fire their personal or military pistols and rifles.  A picnic dinner will follow after the range has been secured.  The picnic entree will be generously provided by Mission BBQ.  Members are encouraged to bring side dishes, desserts, and drinks.  $5 per person will be collected for incidentals.

4:30 – 5:00 Range prep. Bring UNLOADED weapons to the range
5:00 – 5:15 Range Safety Briefing by NRA certified instructor
5:15 –  6:15 MSVC Members’ Rifle and Pistol Shoot
6:15 – 6:30 Police the brass / range cleaning
6:30 – 8:30 Picnic dinner, provided by Mission BBQ

Rifle and Pistol Shoot, 5:15 – 6:15.  MSVC members bring their military weapons or personal firearms to the event.  Members should ensure weapons are in proper working order.  You will be asked to allow others to shoot your weapon.  You will be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of your weapon after the event.

Ammunition.  Those bringing weapons to shoot will be responsible for bringing their own ammo.  If other MSVC members are offered to shoot personal weapons, they should offer cash to pay for ammunition used.

Click to download the Event Flyer